Luau Cupcakes Recipe
Summer break is drawing to a close even though we still have a few months of hot weather ahead.  Many of the children are already back in school, but that doesn't mean we can't have a final summer party before they really have to get back down to work, or perhaps a back to school party.  What better way to end the summer break than with a Luau filled will fun, friends and special treats.   

Sometimes the simplest treats to create, make the biggest impact at a party.   That would be the case with these fabulous Luau Cupcakes Created by Diane.   These cupcakes are so easy to make, yet they are perfect for a Luau.  This toasted coconut covered cupcake topped with pineapples and cherries capture the essence of Hawaii in a wonderfully tasty treat. 

The Luau Cupcakes Recipe

You may think you can replicate this cupcake by simply looking at the picture, but I assure you, Diane does share a few tricks to make these cupcakes more than a simple cupcake.  Be sure to take note of the cake mix substitutions and her advice about the toasted coconut.  You can find the complete recipe and instructions for Diane's Luau cupcakes on her site Created by Diane.

How to Toast Coconut

Toasting coconut is easy, but does require a bit of patience to achieve that lovely brown toasted shade without burning the coconut.  It takes about 10 minutes to toast coconut in a skillet and you will need to constantly stir it.  Keep it moving to keep it from burning.  There is no need to add any oil or liquid to the skillet.  Only the coconut!

Here is a video that I found on Youtube that shows you the "real time" process for toasting coconut.

Recipe & Image Credit: 

Luau Cupcakes Recipe  by Diane, author of Created by Diane

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