Fruitcake Cookies Recipe
Fruitcake Cookies
This Fruitcake Cookies recipe might not create the most beautiful cookies you will ever see, but they are definitely delicious.  We will have to refer to them as our Fun Food abstract art. 

The fruit candies add a lovely touch of color to these otherwise very plain looking cookies.  If we stare long enough, they take on a stain glass effect, at least color-wise.

Fruitcake Cookie Recipe

This is my mothers recipe for Fruitcake cookies.  I honestly do not remember a time in my life that she did not make them for my father for Christmas. 

One of my fondest mental images is of my dad standing at the kitchen counter with the open tin of homemade cookies in front of him.   As he munched on the fruitcake cookie in his hand, his eyes were fastened on the bounty before him.  I always wondered about his selection process.  What exactly was the prerequisite for his next choice in treats? 

I was always drawn to the colorful fruit, but he must have had a different focus because he always grabbed the absolute ugliest cookie from the tin.  I never really considered it at the time, but maybe he was leaving the prettier cookies for us.  Now, that thought makes those ugly cookies beautiful!

 Fruitcake Cookies Recipe
Moms Fruitcake Cookies

Fruitcake in Bite-size Morsels

These cookies are a powerhouse of taste.  They really are like having bite-size morsels of fruitcake with a bit of sweet cookie dough baked around them.

I actually like both a fruitcake and the fruitcake cookies, but the cookies are just so much easier to serve at a party or to eat as a snack.

Recipe & Image Credit:  Fruitcake Cookies Recipe by Sylvestermouse

1 comment:

  1. Fruit cake is one of those things people to love or not, but the color is perfect for the holidays! My mom has a recipe that I enjoy (also love her plum pudding)


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